Member ID App


The Member ID App is an alternative to using your Access Pass to enter our facilities. There is also an additional Apple Watch ID App that can be used for the same purpose.

You can find links to the Member ID App by clicking on the store icons below:

mceclip0.png       mceclip0.png

mceclip1.png        mceclip1.png

Either app require the email linked with your account and password to login (same credentials required for the Members Portal). 

Once logged in, either select 'Locate nearby doors' and the facility should appear or press 'Scan NFC Tag' and hold your device to the scanner on the door. 

If you require any further assistance please contact our Support Team.

Please note: The latest version of our Apple Watch and iOS and Android apps use location services to determine where you are physically located.  They need this information to know which facility you are standing outside of and need entry into.

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