Membership Definitions


Listed below are the frequently used terms to describe our membership options:

Single Club – full access to your home Club Lime or hiit republic location.

Dual Club - full access to one Club Lime and one hiit republic location. As this option is available at limited locations, it will only appear if you select an eligible Club Lime gym or hiit republic studio during the sign up process online (ie Weston, ACT). 

Multi Club – full access to all Club Lime or hiit republic or GROUNDUP locations, excluding Titanium Clubs. Club Lime Multi Club includes access to Psycle Life and Club Lime Aquatics facilities.

Club Lime+ hiit republic Multi Club – full access to all Club Lime and all hiit republic locations, excluding Titanium Clubs. Includes access to Psycle Life and Club Lime Aquatics facilities. Selected locations (such as Wagga Wagga, CISAC and Tuggeranong) will also have a Ladies' Only included membership option.

Club Lime + hiit republic + GROUND UP Multi Club – full access to all Club Lime, all hiit republic and all GROUNDUP locations, excluding Titanium Clubs. Includes access to Psycle Life and Club Lime Aquatics facilities. The Ladies' Only locations are not included, unless specifically opted in for.  

Ladies' Only – full access to Club Lime Ladies' Only facilities. Single club and multi club options available. Club Lime Ladies' Only multi club membership also includes access to all Club Lime facilities, excluding Titanium Clubs. More details here.

Hiit republic does not offer corporate or student (under 18 or uni) membership options at this stage.

Direct Debit – membership fees deducted automatically each fortnight from your nominated bank account, credit card or debit card. Change your payment details here.

Upfront – membership fees paid in full at point of sale for duration of membership. Most locations offer only Direct Debit memberships, however some may have an Annual (ie Wagga Wagga) available. No 3-month or other fixed term options available. 

Membership Suspension – if you pay by direct debit, your regular deduction will be paused for the period requested. If you pay upfront your contract expiry date will be extended for the period you request suspension for. You can suspend your membership here.

Membership Join Date – the date you completed the online sign up process and made your initial payment.

Membership Start Date – the date you have chosen for your membership to start. You can delay your start date if you’re unable to access the club on the day you join.

For further assistance please contact our Support Team.

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